Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Craving Experiments

Rice krispy treats sounded really good today. Unfortunately I don't keep around rice krispies...I did have puffed millet! So in a "why not" mood we created these:

I have given up calling them "millet krispy treats" and we just call anything of this variety Krispies. A couple tablespoons of butter, bag of small marsh mellows melted together. I then added some peanut butter (~ 3/4 cup) and stirred in ~ 6 cups of puffed millet and a handful of cranberries. I was going to add sunflower seeds and saw them sitting on the counter all lonely after I had finished. Place in a greased 13 x 9 pan and press using wax paper. Cool and cut.

These turned out wonderfully and are so easily adjustable.


Alan Post said...

If puffed millet something you buy, or something you make?

I've never known what the process was, if it was something you can do at home.

Kris said...

I bought it. It is actually hard to find, when I do find it I buy numerous bags. Someone told me a popcorn popper will do it, but I have yet to try.

It is small and light; perfect baby food fun! It sticks to fingers and floats across my can always tell I had a LLL meeting due to the mass amounts of puffed millet.