Monday, July 21, 2008

Big Fat Juicy, Itty Bitty Teeny Worms!

What kind of pet do you have!? Worms? Okay, maybe they aren't pets, but they are awfully fun to watch. Elias loves to pick them up, feed them compostables, talk about the microbes they are eating, count babies, shred paper and in the future mix the worm castings into the garden soil.

We have been working on keeping a good moistness, enough food and a bug free environment for our worms. We are still in the learning phase and there have been many adjustments. It is too dry and hot for the worms outside and the bin is easily flooded. I think I am getting the hang of it and might even order a few more worms. I look forward to all the wonderful worm castings that will enrich our garden soil.


Alan Post said...

I've never tried vermacomposting, we run our compost outside. We're doing humanure, which provides a lot of moisture. Otherwise we'd have to water it constantly to keep it going. Our Mulberry house compost, when we brought it to Sunflower River, was too dry and hadn't been making much progress.

That looks fun!

Kris said...

I stopped composting because it was always so dry and with a toddler I just didn't get out there. Now Elias likes to help. The vericomposting is good for some of the scraps, but not everything...although you could do a large outside bin and it composts fast...we did it at the botanical gardens. that