Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Morning Independence

Faces and shapes = taste better!

Elias loves to wake up early and he wakes up hungry. Eva loves to sleep in and nurse. This creates a problem...especially on those days Craig is up early and out the door cycling. The solution has come about with age. Elias is now old enough and big enough to open the refrigerator, pour pre-measured milk, and in general grab a snack for breakfast.

We have been trying to place some kind of morning snack in the refrigerator or on the table where he can immediately access it in the morning. He loves this! It is a surprise to see what we made and I think the feeling of independence is heady. So here are some of the morning ideas:

Sunshine fruit.

Hard boiled eggs (pre-peeled)
Cheese (cubed or cut into fun shapes)
Cereal with milk in a cup
Yogurt with chopped fruit/seeds

The trick is to make them simple to eat; no heating or mixing. Just add milk or sprinkle fruit/seeds. Shapes and faces, colors and dips are always favorites. Sometimes these are his breakfast and at other times they are a start until I can get up and make something hot!


GrumpyGranpa said...

Nice posts. I feel caught up. When is your deadbeat husband going to post details of his new job?

Kris said...

No idea! Possibly after he starts it on the 7th.

Anonymous said...

How and when do they grow up so fast??? What's the formula for slowing time down? BTW, your blog is one of the most attractive I've seen--color, pics, ease, overall appearance) tia tanna

Kris said...

Thank you! I wish I could stop time and save some of the moments where he still is a little boy. They are becoming more rare everyday.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard of "oligofructose" (made from chicory root) and"erythritol"? Both are natural sweeteners said to be w/o side effects and ok for diabetics. They make up the sweeteners for the new dark chocolate bar I have fallen in love with "ChocoPerfection" (www.lowcarbspecialties.com).

Just thought I'd run it by our family expert! tiatanna

Kris said...

I know nothing about them outside of having heard the names before. I tend to cook with Agave nectar when cooking for diabetics or as a partial substitute in most my recipes.

I will have to check it out. My main concern is usually how they are to bake with. Dark chocolate is my favorite!

Anonymous said...

I ordered 12 bars of the dark chocolate and 12 of the choc/raspberry (decadent, I know). Each bar has 6 pieces and one piece is oh so satisfying. I will save you a piece of the dark chocolate!

I was also considering getting their "Sweet Perfection" 1 lb. bag of oligofructose (ground chicory root) for $22 (gasp) to be used as sugar for baking etc. I don't use sugar very often and don't like using Splenda or other artificial sweeteners, but occasionally do indulge. I have heard of agave but haven't tried it yet.

Anonymous said...

What, still no new posts? I was hoping my bloglines feed had just bumped you or something. What's new with y'all? I've been thinking of you guys this week, maybe I'll give you a call soon. :) Kiss the kiddos for me!
ps-grrr stupid blogger. Won't let me in. (Surely it isn't user error. I would _never_ forget a password, right?) :P