Thursday, February 21, 2008

So much for inspiration!

Quality sibling time!

Well, months later and no new posts! I have the best of intentions....Kristin "I meant to" Post. Thinking about this blog and what I would like to do with it was my midnight activity last night.

Previously, I had stated that I would copy over Craig's blog posts relevant to homeschooling or family matters. Instead, I am just providing a link in the side bar and plan on encouraging perusal of his site on occasion. Therefore, those of you who read both sides won't be duplicating and it will be unbearably obvious how little I post. On that note, my new goal is to post at least once a week.

In the past few months we have had two family birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and a couple of trips to the home town. It has been busy and fun with Elias and Eva both changing so much in that time span. Things have slowed down and we are attempting to organize, simplify and maintain some sort of routine around here. Craig and Sam are picking up the cycling. Elias wants to learn to ride the attachment tandem with his dad and do longer rides. Eva is crawling at super speeds and wishing her legs would just hold her up so she can walk.

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