Thursday, June 18, 2009

Growing things

Our garden is doing better this summer, but still not as great as I would hope. We have sun screened the tomatoes since they were receiving too much heat off of the wall. The tomatoes taste good, at least the ones Eva lets me eat! The plants were a bit scorched looking, but are now starting to green up again.

We planted watermelon, cantaloupe, lemon and armenian cucumbers, yellow and zucchini squash, tomatoes (many types), sunflowers, peppers, eggplant, and lots of herbs. I have had an abundance of herbs and many of them volunteers from last year that seeded throughout the beds. We currently have one little watermelon started and have harvested several yellow squash and zucchini...hopefully more to come. Our cucumbers are fully flowered, but have yet to start any cucs. Overall, I am happy with this summers start, we have a bit more work to do to make all the beds productive. The kids are thrilled to watch bees pollinate, squash grow and tomatoes turn colors.

1 comment:

Alan Post said...

eee! yay gardens!

It's look fantastic from the last time I was round.

We have a friend visiting from Tucson tonight. (the person we went out to see last I was there.) Your growing season is extremely weird. ;-)